Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jace just keeps us laughing!

So the other day we were watching the movie Holes...and kissing Kate Barlow had just killed the man she shot and left a lipstick mark on his cheek...this is what Jace said:

"That is why you don't kiss get a rash!"

So funny!

Then today we were just listening to music and dancing around...this is what was said:

Jamee: Jace, can you say Nickelback?
Jace: Tickleback (and then he started to tickle Brett)

He seriously keeps us laughing all the time and is so sweet! I took him out for a walk today, because he has been dying to ride his new Lightening McQueen bike he got for christmas outside...instead of in the house, the little he can do inside. The whole time he kept saying..."Mom, this is SOOO fun!" He really is such a blessing in our lives and we love him so much...lucky us!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mckelle is 4 months old!

She went and had her checkup and her height is still in the 90th percentile and comes in at 25 and 1/4 inches! Her weight is 14 lbs and 7.5 oz and ranks in the 75th percentile. Her head only measures 16 inches and that is as average as it gets...50th percentile. She is becoming a much happier baby...although she still is a hard one to get to smile and giggle. She still rolls over from back to front all the time, but only occasionally will she go from front to back. We started some rice cereal and really I think she will be a picky eater...I will just have to keep tryig it with her. She definitely is starting to watch Jace more and more and you can just sense the bond the two of them have already. We are so greatful to have her here even if she is the complete opposite of what Jace ever was.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Farmtastic Days!

While my sister, Jenn, and my parents were here visiting we went to the annual American West Heritage Center's Farmtastic Days. You might notice that it was a bit chilly for us, but REALLY chilly for my parents who are from Las Vegas. But they were troopers and enjoyed themselves. We did the corn maze, which was incredibly muddy, the hay jump, and I still have hay in my pants, the train ride, and the super slide, which was SUPER fun!! We love going there every year! Since Brett had to work that week, I was really glad I had family around to enjoy it with us!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Halloween 2009

Jace decided he wanted to be a Dalmation Dog for Halloween this year and he sure made a cute one. He practiced the panting and the tongue hanging out for weeks! Mckelle was a bumble bee, but didn't really spend much time in her costume. We carved pumpkins a few days before with Grandma and Grandpa Jenson and my sister, Jenn! We then made rounds to Maceys and the mall and let Jace do his trick or treating there. Later that night Brett took Jace around the neighborhood while I handed out the candy! I think halloween might be one of my favorites!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tony Grove

With this week being so warm...okay, warm for fall/winter...we decided to take a drive up Logan Canyon to Tony Grove. We have been there during the summer, but this was so beautiful. Half of the lake was like it was summer and the other half was more winterish, with snow on the ground and ice on the lake. The boys had fun throwing rocks into the ice/water and skidding snowballs halfway across the lake. It was so fun!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Family Pics 10-2009

Since we should only have less than a year left here in Logan, I thought we would do family pictures in Aggie gear! It was actually quite fun to do these poses and the kids did so good! It was so hard to pick which ones I wanted, but here are a few of my favorites!

And YES, Brett and I are "TRUE AGGIES"! For those of you who don't know what that entails, it requires either kissing a true aggie on the A at anytime or on homecoming weekend kissing on the A at midnight. Since neither of us were true aggies before coming here, we went on homecoming weekend when I was pregnant with Jace and kissed over the A at midnight. It was freezing cold and raining...but at least we can say and we do have the card to prove it, that we are "TRUE AGGIES"!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mckelle's blessing

So I am a little slow on the pictures, because we actually blessed her almost 2 weeks ago, October 11, 2009. And yes, I am totally pulling the typical "mom" by not taking as many pictures of the second child as I did the first. In fact, I didn't even take ANY pictures of Mckelle's blessing day...hence, the professional pictures.
I was so grateful my Mom took the time to make her dress and headband out of the train of my wedding dress. This dress is now a family heirloom.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What the boys have been up to!

Fort time with Daddy. They watched a movie and ate popcorn after they were done playing in it!
Jace being silly! Things are usually quite comical around our house.

Playing in the sand with his sand toys is one of his favorite things to do these days...he can do it for hours! I just usually take him to the local volleyball works.

This is what Jace picked to be for halloween and he asks almost everyday if he can put it on and "practice" for halloween!

And of course, Mckelle at 8 weeks. This outfit was sent by her auntie Jenn who is a huge OU bobcat fan. The cutest part (which I didn't get a pic of) is that across her bum it says "tailgate"! Hilarious!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

7 weeks!

7 weeks and all dressed up! It is SO fun to dress up little girls! We are just enjoying her and all the smiles she has been giving us.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A little late, but her 5 week pic!

I know tomorrow she will be 6 weeks old, but I thought I would post this cute pic anyway!
As for Jace news....He is totally potty trained! In fact, he uses a step stool to climb up to the potty and to the sink to wash his hands. Really all he needs me or Brett for is to wipe his bum (he has tried doing it himself...just a mess) and to pull his pants up. We still put him in a diaper at night, but he still wakes up dry...AMAZING...I know! He is growing up way to fast.

Monday, September 7, 2009

4 weeks and a little personality

Every week Mckelle starts to have a bit more personality, as you can tell from the pictures below. Brett says she is just like me (Lucky for him)! She continues to be so cute (yes, I am partial) and we are getting a handle on the colic/acid reflux. I think I have got it down with the timing of her medication and the natural remedy "gripe water". We took our first road trip down to Salt Lake to visit my grandma (GG) and she did so well.

I thought my two kids were cute...but definitely hams!

Jace pretending he had red bug eyes...he never ceases to make us smile and laugh!

Monday, August 31, 2009

3 weeks old!

Here is our beautiful little girl. She has started to see more with her eyes and if I had to guess, they will probably be blue like her momma's! She has also been a little more fussy/colic. We started her on her acid reflux med and that seems to help a little. She still hasn't wanted to take the binky, so I pace our halls and floors quite a bit, but mostly in the afternoon and evenings. She is a wonderful night sleeper, just gets up 2-3 times to eat, but goes right back to sleep. It is amazing how you forget how much work a newborn can be....but we love her anyway! We are enjoying having her around. Each day she wraps her daddy a little tighter around her finger...his little princess! Jace is quite protective of his little cute!
Funny Jace says the other day after he tooted - "That was my tractor honking"! He seriously comes up with the cutest things to say sometimes. He is such a fun kid and keeps life so entertaining :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

2 weeks old!

I can't believe it was 2 weeks ago that I gave birth to Mckelle! What a wonderful experience it has been. She is a little more alert to what is around her, she officially has a belly button, she still won't take a binky (we are working on it...I don't prefer to be a binky), and she will occasionally hold her head up for a significant amount of time. Nights haven't been too bad, but I am certainly ready for a stable schedule. Jace is a wonderful big brother...he is already smitten just like his Dad. We love our new addition!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mckelle Eggett

Where to start! I called the hospital that morning at 6 and they said to be there by 7:15! I was so excited...I didn't have to wait half the day to be called by labor and delivery. We arrived and after about 2 hours of paperwork, we finally got started on some pitocin. After 3 hours, I was still at a 3cm dilation, but was effacing more. To hurry the process along we decided it would be a good idea to break my water. Once my water was broken, it only took about 45 mins for me to dilate, resist the urge to push, and wait for everyone else to finally be ready to deliver. She made her debut at 2:29pm and was 8lbs .04oz and 20 inches long...and spectacularly beautiful with all that vernix! I had some IV pain meds to begin with, but it had already worn off by the time I delivered. At one point I asked for the epidural, due to having piggy back contractions for about 20-30mins, but really there was no time...she was there and ready! In the end I was really glad the anesthesiologist was taking his time, because I would have missed the incredible and invigorating experience of delivering her on my own. We are so glad she is here!

Our first was exhilarating!

The excited new big brother!

Mckelle's first road trip...HOME!

We are now adjusting to life!

We just wanted to say thank you for everyone and all that they have done. We have had wonderful family and friends in support and know that we are truly loved!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A week of fun, eventhough we have been waiting impatiently!

These are Jaces's "angry eyes"...just a phase I hope. He puts them on and then says "Do you see my angry eyes? Because I am angry!" Too cute!

I am so glad that I have had the past week to spend with my Mom-in-law. I am pretty lucky in the fact that I have no qualms with my MIL! She came up last sunday in hopes that this sweet little girl would make her debut...but we all know she is just waiting until she is ready. But in the meantime, we have gone and done lots of fun things with Jace to pass the time. We have walked the Logan River Walk, visited Willow Zoo, played in the park, let Jace swim in his little pool, gone to the Cache County Fair, played in the mall soft play, and the list goes on. We have tried not to let a moment pass without having some kind of fun. Luckily, my MIL will be able to stay through Tuesday and hopefully see the birth. We are keeping our fingers crossed that I won't be "on call" for labor and delivery on Monday...this only happens if they are filled to the brim! Hope you enjoyed the pics...sorry they were in no particular order...I am pregnant...give me a break!