Thursday, October 23, 2008

North Logan Annual Pumpkin Walk

First a new family picture...and yes, that is my new color! Then another cute pumpkin picture with Jace.

They always have these painted wood cutouts for you to put your face in....this is the cutest Yoda you will see this year....and probably one of Brett's favorite heros!

Here are a few scenes that they had this year. Jace liked the tractor. I thought Noah's ark and the hospital room are pretty funny and creative. The last picture is pigeons made out of gords...that one is for you Grandpa Pigeon - we love you!


Peggy said...

What a beautiful family. It looks like you had so much fun and the weather was delightful. Thanks for the pigeon picture - they are too cute!

Riva said...

Wow that Pumpkin walk thing looks like so much fun -- Cute pics!

Joy Salmon said...

so fun! and yes I labsolutely love your hair dark....!

Brooke S said...

How funny. I had to look very closely to see that it was really you! Very cute!