Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Happenings!

On Saturday, Jace helped me make a birthday cake for Brett. He loved putting the candles on and then singing happy birthday. He even helped Brett try to blow the candles out. Happy 31st to you Brett and many more! You are my sweetheart and I am so glad to have spent the last seven years with you...I love you...even if you are a classic (almost).

This is what the weather looked like on saterday...yes, that is snow/sleet. I'm not too excited for the winter, but I guess it is always nice to have a change of season.

These last two pictures were taken on thursday morning. This is Jace's friend Tate. They are like 3 months apart and play so good together. They are playing in our temporary is just waiting to be landscaped. It was fun for the boys to put their tractors and dumptrucks in the sand. They had a really great time and thankfully the weather was nice. Boys will be boys!

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