Saturday, April 4, 2009

Putting Jace to Bed

Tucking Jace into bed had become one of the highlights of my day, just because of some of the things he says. I wanted to recap some of my recent favorites!

Jace - Mom, I can smell the cows.
Mom - Really!
Jace - Yeah, they must be pooping.
I couldn't help but laugh, because we live on the outer areas of Logan and there are more than a few cow farms around...hence, it usually doesn't smell great outside of our house.

This one happened on a sunday night while he was saying his prayers.
Jace - Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for singing time, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I guess that was all he was thankful for that day...but at least he loves singing time in nursery.

He is just so cute and never ceases to make us laugh...what a blessing he is in our life!


Peggy said...

You should take this as a teaching moment for potty training. Everyone (even cows) have to poop! That is too cute - I love and miss you guys. Thanks for keeping me up to date so I can feel a bit closer. Hugs and Kisses always.

Judee said...

I love conversation with kids...especially prayer, it teaches me what is effective in their live.

Shauna said...

haha that's so funny about the cows! What a cute kid Jace is!