Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mckelle at 5 months

Mckelle is officially 5 months old and all grown up! She is so advanced for her age, but I am sure it has to do with her personality. She is just not content, unless she is apart of what is going on.
A few milestones she has reached are:

~~She is now on 3 solid meals a day and is doing so much better with solids.

~~She is even off of her acid reflux medication and I am hoping to keep her off of it.

~~She also continues to sleep anywhere from 8-10 hours at night...which I am loving!

~~She recently has been pulling herself up on her hands and knees and then does the rocking back and forth...not much longer before she is crawling. The other morning I had her on a blanket by the couch and within about 30 mins she had made it over by the front door just by rolling and pulling herself with her hands and pushing off with her feet.

~~She can sit up by herself for about 5-10 seconds.

~~She watches Jace when he plays and I can just see in her eyes that she can't wait to play with him.

~~She also has had some "Daddy" moments lately...which are just so cute. She gives him the sweetest smiles that make his day!

She really just amazes me everyday at how tough she is...she is nothing like Jace ever was as a baby! But really it is nice to have two totally different kids. We are so grateful to have her here with us!


Shauna said...

She is advanced! I can't believe she is doing all that at 5 months?! She is so adorable. I love her little smile.

Mandi Roth said...

She is so sweet and very advanced. Love the last picture. Cute face!!

Nicole Mecham said...

I love that black and white pic of her. I am so jealous about the sleeping at night! I guess I got my 3 months at the first and now I am done forever!!!! Well, that's what it feels like. Sounds like she is growing strong. It helps that she has great parents ;) I love how much personality starts to come out around that age.