Thursday, March 12, 2009

I just recently started reading this, not on my own, but at the request of a good friend of mine. The book talks about having someone to share your experiences with and she chose me of all people....(crazy girl).

Anyway, after reading the first chapter and trying to implement "having an open heart"...a "heart that looks outward" and can totally feel how it makes you feel the Lord's love, because you are giving love in small and simple ways. I know that sounds confusing, but in a nutshell it helps you to learn how "feel the love of the Lord on a daily basis" by using what happens daily to you as an opportunity to lift another.

There are simple rules of you can't go out of your way to do something extra "special" (like making brownies and taking them to your neighbor), be constantly aware of your heart...aka is it open or closed, and be willing to report to someone (why my friend chose me) and vice versa, I have to report to her.

My first experience was today while we were at the mall. Jace was playing and there was another 2 year old boy that Jace was playing really well with. The mother was alone and didn't express a smile the whole time we were there. The whole time I kept thinking about this book and how you aren't supposed to go out of your way, but do it with opportunities that are presented to you. So...I decided to just go over and tell her how cute her little boy was and that I was glad she brought him there so the boys could play. It was nice to see her smile....that was feeling the "Lord's Love in my life".

Sorry this was so lengthy...but I really thought how many opportunities am I missing, due to me having a "closed" heart.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I think your friend made a good choice partnering with you - you are already an angel. I'm sure you will find much joy as you feel more of the Lord's love. I love you much!