Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It feels like SPRING...even if there is a little snow on the ground!

This past Saturday was beautiful outside and so we decided to go to the park that has a firepit.  We played for a couple of hours and then did tin foil dinners in the firepit...OH YUM is all I have to say!  It was great to have some family time away from all the usual stuff we do!
HURRY and come SPRING!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


We got two sleds for christmas this last year, and with how bipolar this weather is, we haven't been able to use them...until TODAY!  It was perfect!  We were the first ones there and had the hill all to ourselves for a little over an hour.  It was so fun...except the sunburn all three of us have on our faces!  Bad Mommy forgot the sunscreen.
 Look at those SMILES!
 After we were all done sledding, we headed to the top of the hill and just played...making snow angels, throwing snowballs, and of course the kids ate some snow!
I couldn't help be a BIG kid myself...isn't that the best snow angel you have ever seen?  I think so!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February is DENTAL HEALTH month

Being a dental professional...I kinda get EXCITED about dental health month!
This year was a little more exciting than in the past...thanks to my kids!

I started off with the annual UDA (dental conference for continuing education) and got to see many of my fellow dental hygienists and past Doctors and staff I have worked with.

Then, I had the opportunity of dressing up as toothpaste and going into Jace's preschool class and educating them on dental health!  They loved it and it was SO fun for me!  They all left with a great goodie bag filled with stickers, tattoos (fake of course), toothpaste, toothbrush, a timer, floss, a flosser, and a chart to keep track of how often they are brushing and flossing!

The top picture is with Mrs. Becky's afternoon class and then the bottom one is Jace's class.  I loved that I knew some of the kids in the afternoon class, because when Mrs. Becky introduced me...they all said..."No, that is Jace's Mom"...too cute!!!

Then this past week, our whole family went and had their teeth cleaned.  I wasn't able to get a pic of Jace (so sad) since he was having his teeth cleaned at the same time as mine.  But this was Mckelle's second time having her teeth cleaned and she LOVED it...she said it TICKLED!
 She was a little nervous at first...but that didn't last long, especially since she knew that when she was done she could have her blankie off of time out! (Yes, I am a mean mom and take her blanket away when she is being so naughty...which happens pretty frequently)