She is so adventurous and loves exploring the playground...all on her own...with Mom at a close distance, more for my sake than hers.
She is still very independent and shows me everyday by wanting to do things on her frost a valentine cookie.
She is still as mischievious as can be. I start to panic when I hear too much quietness.
But what has really changed is that she is about 85% potty trained. She was totally ready. She would come to me right after she went in her diaper and wanted it off. The only thing I could do was to jump in and do it. I DREAD POTTY TRAINING...I HATE IT WITH A PASSION. That said, she has made it absolutely a piece of cake. She is doing awesome. She has even stayed dry during naps and almost all the way at night. She does have a few accidents here and there, but overall she is seriously AMAZING. We are talking about one driven girl with her own agenda.
Yes, potty training is a FAMILY affair!
Mckelle weighs in at 21.4 lbs. Her verbal skills have taken off. She has started to repeat what we say and it is so cute, especially when she prays. She recently got her very first ear infection, but I could hardly tell until she spiked a fever. She is such a tough girl. I hope that she takes all these strong qualities and uses them to be a leader among her friends. We love her and are so lucky to have such a pistol in our family!