Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rain + dirt = MUD = happy boys!!!

We have had ALOT of rain and we still have some dirt to play in around our housing development. Jace and his friend Tate couldn't resist and it actually was really fun to watch them play in it.
Before the HOSE DOWN
After the HOSE DOWN
Boys will be Boys!!!
Thanks to Shauna...who actually had her camera handy.  These pics are priceless!!!


Shauna said...

Don't move! It's just too sad. Yeah we are hoping we'll eventually live by you guys down in Stansbury Park, but still. I love the pic of your sweet kids in the boxes!

Nicole Mecham said...

Okay, that is such a fun picture of Jace and Tate in the mud! Jack would have loved that. I am sure going to miss your sweet family. You have helped me more than you know by your example, advice and just the way you live your life. Bring your kids over anytime if you need to clean and have the kids out of your hair :)

Stephanie said...

Looks like tons of fun! Jace must love that helmet. He is wearing it in almost every picture :)