Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We took Jace Easter Egg hunting at our local Lee's Market which is the first picture below. He loved it and enjoyed walking around the perimeter of the store. They actually handed out handfuls of candy and cheesesticks and popsicles. I guess the candy made all that walking worth it. The second picture is of Jace checking out the candy and other goodies he got. We then went to the mall for their hunt...and it was absolutely ridiculous, in fact, not even worth mentioning. I just have to get on my soap box and say that there were parents who were pushing and shoving little kids (like 2 years old and under) around, just to get the candy. Seriously! Some adults are so childish. Enough said...we still had a great Easter. Just a little thought about the guy it is all about. I am thankful for Jesus Christ and all he has done. My only hope is that I can live a good enough life to be able to say thank you for paying for my sins and not feel guilty for things I could have changed. I hope that through this coming year, each of us may be a little more kinder, forgiving, charitable, loving, and an example to all those around us. Happy Easter!

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