So you might be wondering what has been filling my time...a little of everything!
SOCCER GAMES - the boys play/coach and the girls route them on!
This last little entry is just for me to remember. SO ENJOY ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.
Two sundays ago, fast sunday, I was on sharing time in primary. We were discussing repentance. We first talked about four steps that lead to repentance and at the end of the steps I had a picture of Christ in Gethsemane. After we talked about it, I brought out our visitor (Pooh Bear - we have a very large stuffed one around our house). Pooh Bear was sick with dirty sins - I had cut large red circles out and had taped them to him, he looked like he had a bad case of chicken pox. The kids then got to take turns taking the sickness off of him (each circle had a sin written on the back) and discussing the steps to repentance and then they placed that large red circle on the picture of Jesus. This seemed to tie it all together that Christ did this to help us be better. Well that was how it was supposed to go, but our senior primary was being SO irreverent and naughty. I kept having to stop and tell them that I wouldn't tell them anymore until they could be reverent. I was super frustrated and I really thought that they didn't learn anything...but that is what the Lord needed to teach me.
We have sacrament last and four of those sweet senior primary children bore their testimonies about how Christ died for them. I just bawled knowing that they really did listen and that the spirit did speak to their hearts that repentance is real and for each of us. It gets even better. As we were leaving, one of my junior primary children, a sunbeam, pointed to Pooh and said "Mommy, Pooh isn't sick anymore...Jesus helped him." Then within the week, I had a mother write me a thank you note with some very sweet words about her two boys who had been praying about their sins and wanting to be better and also talking about what they had done that day that was a sin and how they change.
Overall, I think the Lord just needed to remind me that even though the children are not always reverent...they are LISTENING! I am so thankful that I get to be in primary and only reminding these dear angels of things that they already knew, but just helping them recall them. I am also so thankful to be a mother. This was a good reminder that my own children are LISTENING and WATCHING. May I always be more Christlike and more pure through him! I know my Savior knows me and loves me and that he did die for me and my sins! It is through him I can return to my Heavenly Father with my family.