A year ago, on August 10th 2009, at 2:25pm, the sweetest and most challenging child came into our lives. She was 8 lbs even and 20.5 inches long. The delivery was very exhilarating since I decided to go naturally. It was absolutely wonderful and such a memorable experience. Some of my favorite things about this special day include:
- Jace meeting his new sister
- Having my mother in law there for the whole delivery
- My wonderful coach and sweet husband who did a great job at keeping me focused
- Having my Mom there to take care of Jace while we adjusted to the new changes
- Actually feeling the "ring of fire" and knowing when to push
- Feeling so great afterwards that the required 24 hours in the hospital seemed like eternities

She is now the big 1 and is almost walking. She really is so sweet, but very feisty and knows what she wants. She loves to eat oatmeal, bananas, blueberries, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, toast, mac n cheese, garlic bread, applesauce, and yogurt. I am almost all done nursing her...YEAH!!! (most of you know what a struggle this has been). She loves playing with her brother and mimics a lot of things he does. She can fold her arms and say amen at the end of a prayer. She can say a few words, but only when she wants to which ends up being few and far between. She sleeps through the night and only takes one nap in the day. She has 4 teeth...two on top and two on bottom. She loves to be outside and play on all of Jace's toys...especially his motorcycle.
We had a little party for her and she loved the cake, but really didn't understand what was going on with the presents and all the people. Thanks to all that came...we loved having you there.
Lots of cousins!!!
The caterpillar cake...so fun to make!!!
No hesitation to dig in...
Getting down and dirty...Notice that she ate her whole piece and scoop of ice cream.
The final product! Yum Yum!!! I love her eyes in this picture...she is such a sweetie!
Opening gifts and cards was interesting...she lost interest after the first gift. She just wanted to keep playing with the toy that was given first.
Sorry about the blurriness of these pics...my camera is on the blitz thanks to the bottle of water that was poured on it...time for a new one :(
We can only hope that the next year is a little easier than her first year! We are so glad that she is part of our cute little family!!! We love you, Mckelle!!!